“Let the dreams fly...”
Sound of Color
Directed by Karen Zhang, is a documentary about hearing the voice of refugee youths from Syria, who live in El Cajon, California. After years of exile with their parents in their early childhood, their dreams still remain beautiful and strong.

“Art, sparks creativity and brings healing to the brokenness. ”

Dlan fled his home country of Syria with his family to settle in El Cajon, California. Though his sight is very poor, almost close to blind, he was born with a strong talent in music. His dream is to become a famous professional musician.

Hamzeh and his family left their home in Syria as the original 10,000th landmark family to come to America. At the young age of fourteen, he is an aspiring filmmaker eager to learn, create, and share his stories on youtube.
Raghad moved to El Cajon from Syria by way of Arizona. She is a quiet, sweet, and kind girl who showed determination to get her GED and graduate from high school despite the odds. She is currently in college and hopes to become a doctor.

Meet Our Syrian Youth
It is simply touching and inspiring for others to hear their dreams in the future because it is so precious to see that the seeds of hope have been well-kept in their hearts and have not been stolen by the war and the suffering of their early lives.
We appreciate your support!
We need your financial support to have their stories heard via this documentary. Each amount of your donation toward this film is tax deductible via Hummingbird Global Media, who is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and focuses on producing untold stories for the voiceless through media. Press following button to make an online donation with Paypal / credit card.
Other ways to support Sound Of Color documentary:
- Check offerings send to: 6116 N San Gabriel Blvd., San Gabriel, CA 91775
- Chase Quickpay send to: hummingbirdglobalmedia@gmail.com
- Each youth has their particular needs in order to achieve their dream. You can also become their supporter and become part of their stories. Please check our Synopsis page and find out their needs and feel free to write to us.
Thank you very much!